Saturday 28 January 2017

5 Tips Of Suiting Up Flawlessly

A well fitted suit should be a part of every man's wardrobe regardless of their style and personality. Even if you don't wear suit to work, you' ll eventually need one for weddings, parties and maybe night events. Some tips and tricks on how to rock on a perfect suit,
Before stepping out :-

1) Colour Choice :-Black should be reserved for weddings and funerals
 Charcoal, dark grey or navy blue are the most versatile colours  for suits. A solid black
Is very formal and should be reserved for weddings and funnerals only.

2) Savile  Row Trouser Fold
Don't your just hate the fact your trousers keep slipping off their hangers. Here is a neat
trick to keep your trousers folded neatly on their hamgers all the time, it's called the Savile
Row trouser fold, place the hanger in between the two inseams and fold one side over the hanger, adjust the length so the bottom hem is about  an inch from the crotch of the pants, then fold the other over the hanger, adjust to ensure the trouser line up with the folds and you're done.

3) The Military Shirt Tuck
Tucking in your shirt is very simple, however how many times have you seen men shirt
that looks like a blown balloon with it's puffing out ? Do it easy put on your shirt firstly
then slip in your pants and tucking your shirt easily, it will help if you're standing in front
of a mirror.

4)  Expose Your Shirt Cuffs About 1/2 Inchea.
This tips gives your suit sophistication and tells people that you have great attention
to details. Have your shirt cuff expose 1/2 inches from your jacket sleeve. As a simple
rule try to match the visible cuff length to the amount of collar that is visible at the back
of the neck. The contrast in colour provides different look..

5)Removing Stitching From Vent.
There is notting that screams out  "you don't know what you are doing"  more than
wearing a suit with the vent still stitched. Remove the stitching and let the vent drape
naturally. it'll provide you with more mobility.

     I could go on and on and extend this list to more than 20, but let
Settle with this 5 tips for now.
     I hope this few tips will help you while suiting up for your next event
But a bonus tip as a stylist and fashionista you might see me not
abideing with some of the above said rules. As a brother told me
Know The Rules, And Break The Rules,
Watch out for my next post, you' ll see what i meant with the above
said statement.